Pennsylvania Federation of Republican Women
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PFRW Events

PFRW 100 Year Celebration in Camp Hill

Friday, October 20, 2023 at 5:00PM

Join the Pennsylvania Federation of Republican Women as they celebrate 100 yearsof excellence and service to Republican Women and theRepublican Party in Pennsylvania.

Welcome to the Pennsylvania Federation of Republican Women's Website

PFRW Logo Toni M. Gilhooley, President, PFRW

PFRW was originally organized in 1923 as the Pennsylvania Council of Republican Women. This year we will celebrate 100 years of active service to our Communities, State and Country through our statewide organization and the network of the National Federation of Republican Women. PCRW, as we were called when first organized, went to Chicago in 1938 to work with 11 other State Federations to organize the National Federation and we continue have a successful relationship with NFRW. In 2008 we updated our name to the Pennsylvania Federation of Republican Women in keeping with the other State Organizations.

Our objectives have not changed very much for many years and we continue the important work of good government through those Objectives:

  • To educate women in Republican principles and politics.
  • To stimulate interest in issues at the local, state, and national level.
  • To influence legislation wisely in welfare, education, efficiency in government and in all that pertains to the improvement of life in Pennsylvania.
  • To act as a clearing house for Republican women’s activities and provide a center for political education, legislative information, and practical service.
  • To increase the number of women registered in the Republican Party and unite their efforts along party lines.
  • To secure equal representation for women with men on state and county Republican committees.
  • To increase the number of Republican Women elected to public office.

2023 will be an important year for our organization as we look back at our accomplishments and look forward to new ways to accomplish our objectives and create a successful organization to pass on to our daughters and granddaughters!

I am looking forward to working with our Board of Directors and Membership as we look to not only keep our current members but continue to grow. Another one of my goals is to keep the lines of communication open with regular contact with Regional Directors and Council Presidents and Treasurers. I also value the importance of bringing new and varied trainings and programs to our members.

None of these things can ever be accomplished by one person. It will take all of us, from the Executive Committee, the Regional Directors, Council Presidents and Officers and our Membership to work together to begin the next 100 years. Join us! It will be an interesting and informative journey ahead!

Toni M. Gilhooley
PFRW President


PA County MapThe Federation is comprised of Local Councils from across the Commonwealth. We are governed by a Board of Directors consisting of our Executive Committee, Regional Directors and Standing and Special Committees. Our Board meets at least twice a year and the business of the organization culminates at our Biennial Meeting usually held in September or October.

2023-2024 PFRW Executive Board

Toni M. Gilhooley, President
Debra Taylor, First Vice President
Carolyn Conner, Second Vice President
Sonia Stopperich Sulc, Third Vice President
Irene C. Harris, Fourth Vice President
April L. Jenkins, Recording Secretary
Dilonna Coran, Corresponding Secretary
Nancy A. Haggarty, Treasurer
Karen L. Lilik, Assistant Treasurer
Bernadette Comfort, Immediate Past President


We would be happy to connect you to one of our Councils around the state for Membership Information.

When contacting us, in addition to your email address, please provide a telephone contact number and the county where you reside.

We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.

PA Federation of Republican Women